1.As the children vacate the home, marriage expectations move back in the direction of the newlywed period.
2.It certainly curtailed any advances Sister Manhood might have been making in the direction of ecstasy.
3.Officials at Tokyo Electric, known as Tepco, said the jump was likely due to a shift in the direction of the wind.
4.After feasting your eyes and ears at the Culture Center, you can go in the direction of the China Pavilion to visit the Taiwan Pavilion.
5.The new Chinese curriculum contains the advanced concept of the education, it plays an important role in the direction of the guidelines.
6.The frightened child ran in the direction of his mother.
7.We are truly excited on our end that all seems to be pointing in the direction of Disclosure at this time.
8.A precious sign which, however, led him astray, since it caused him to turn all his researches in the direction of the Cul-de-Sac Genrot.
9.As the yarn is twisted, internal forces are built up in the direction of the twist.
10.The concierge medical advisor is able to provide a preliminary assessment that will point in the direction of the right doctor or hospital.